May 15, 2014

HO (versi jedi)

Bismillahir rahmanir rahim….

Tahniah kerana anda sedar matlamat hidup kita adalah 51:56 dan 2:30.

Konon-kononnya kita dah bawa dan ikut usrah bertahun lamanya. Last-last, tiba d Malaysia, dah BFG, kita pun larut dalam kehidupan sbg HO dan jangankan x bawak usrah, nak ikut usrah pn liat sokmo. Atau pun, kita ingat kita bekerja (eg jd ajk kebersihan program ziarah rumah orang tua2), tp ada kerja yg lg utama perlu kita buat. huuuu… ada org mungkin berani keluarkan statement – sekarang masa utk masuk masyarakat, buat apa sibuk2 usrah.. Tapi sorry sir, and after all these years of tarbiyah with all the endless syllabus/daurahs etc; I beg to defer (ie boleh encik Tarik kata2 itu? Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata maut padahnya.. *sambil angkat kening dan cekak pinggang*).. heheeee…
saya juga pernah atau mungkin sedang melalui fasa2 itu, jadi sama2 kita meluruskan orientasi kita di jalan miri-bintulu dakwah… ayuh atas dasar taa’ruf-tafahum-takaful, kita saling meluruskan! *tumbukan angin ke udara tanda bersemangat*

masih saya ingat 5/6 tahun sudah, daurah paling sentap pernah sy dapat – ISK namanya. Seperti berasap rasanya dapat daurah tu, walaupun ketika musim sejuk. Manakan tidak, ini betul2 buat saya lihat dunia dlm bentuk yg baru dan Berjaya menjawab persoalan2 kemanan dunia yg telah lama menghantui saya semenjak kanak2 lagi (Sy suka baca surat khabar/buku ktk kanak2, suka curi dengar abi bersembang.. jd sy tahu sedikit sebanyak ttg perang soviet-vs-afghanistan, peritiwa ambon, bosnia-herzegovina semenjak saya kanak2).. kita pun belajar lah graf ISK, graf dia mcm sebuah bukit yg mempunyai 2 puncak – puncak yg awal2 tuh tinggi sket, namanya Abassiyah, n puncak kedua tu rendah sket dan bernama Usmaniyah…

walau bagaimana pun, kita kini berada di Fasa Mekah, iaitu Fasa Pembinaan Individu.. jadi, kita kena kerja untuk Islam macam org zaman mekah – bina individu2 muslim.. bina, bina dan terus bina.. inilah asas/foundation kebangkitan islam.. even tamadun Islam dah terbina sampai ustaziyatul alam, masih kita perlu kekalkan foundation ‘individu muslim’ tuh.. apa pernah anda terjumpa orang bina2 bangunan, lepas Berjaya pasang atap, kita pun cabut foundation? Sodap2 je nak cabut foundation… lepas dpt ISK, kita pun rasa terpanggil untuk bawa usrah, nak bina orang.. punya lah kita bawak bertahun2, sampai reasons why kita ikut/bawa usrah pn dah x hengat.. usrah semakin hambar, kita pun makin x jelas kenapa nk ikut/bawa usrah.. lagi2 kalau usrah online yg banyak masalah teknikal tu.. itu pasal bila allah sibukkan dgn HO, kita pn x terasa urgensi nak bawa ataupun nak ikut usrah.. kan??? Ngaku je lah…

alkisah, bila saya dah start HO, rasa rindu bangat nak bawa/ikut usrah.. rasa mcm useless gila.. apa sumbangan aku kepada islam? Apa beza kita HO yg ikut tarbiyah, dgn HO lain? Bila dgr junior yg jd naqibah dan bawa usrah, tp rasa x bersemangat, rasa macam – “awat lah hang ni take for granted? U would one day, miss all the time u spent to bina manusia… bak mai anak usrah hang kat cheq!”..

lebih merasuk jiwa, bila dengar kata2 Umar al-Faruq.. *ketuk2 dada macam king kong*

Once 'Umar al-Khattab r.a. asked the companions around him,
"Dream up!"
One guy answered,
"I dream to have a mountain of gold so that I can donate the whole lot of it for the course of Islam!"
'Umar insisted,
"Dream up!"
Another guy said,
"I dream that this place will be filled by diamonds so that I can donate them all for Islam!"
As though still not satisfied with the answers, once again 'Umar pressed,
"Dream up!"
"We do not know what else to say, O Amirul Mu'minin!"
And as the legend goes, 'Umar envisioned his dream, of which probably one of his greatest and most legendary sayings:
"I dream of rijal (young men) whose qualities are comparable to those of Abu 'Ubaidah al-Jarrah, Muadz ibn Jabal and Salim (Abu Huzaifah's servant), of whom I shall call for assistance to glorify and exalt His words.

(credits : Jedi APG)

ok2.. anda kelihatan resah kerana penulisan ini mungkin mencabar dan mencalar perasaan anda.. (ke saya je yang perasan… fine.. ) back to basic… tahukah anda bahawa sebenaqnya, matlamat hidup kita, ubudiyyah n khilafah itu sgt berkait, dan IMPOSSIBLE anda dpt laksanakn ubudiyyah tanpa dpt laksanakan khilafah… eg “saya HO, sgt sibuk.. sy x rasa sy dpt buat tugas khilafah sbb sy kan HO – sibuk… jd, sy rasa nak buat ubudiyyah saja, saya jaga tarbiyah zatiyyah saya..” I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E kerana :

1) Lihat pada the living manuals – para anbiya dan para rasul
Premis 1 : allah memerintahkan kita manusia utk buat ubudiyyah
Premis 2 : kita blur macam mana nak buat ubudiyyah.. atas kasih sayang-Nya, allah utuskan para rasul dlm bentuk manusia, untuk kita jadikan living manual/panduan mcm mana nak laksanakan kerja ubudiyyah
Premis 3 : semua rasul buat kerja dakwah/khilafah… dan itu lah kerja mereka yg paling utama..
Kesimpulan : kerja dakwah/khilafah adalah subset terbesar dlm ubudiyyah..

2) Cara ubudiyyah kpd Allah – mengagungkan dan lemah-lembut
Premis 1 : Imam Ar-Razi kata cara kita beribadah kpd Allah ada 2 aspek – Ta’zhim (mengagungkan) & Syafaqah (lemah lembut)
Premis 2a – Ta’zhim : Apakah cara mengagungkan Allah paling utama? Pastinya, dengan menyebut-nyebut keagungan Allah kpd org lain dan ajak org lain utk agungkan Allah skali..
Eg anda fan Jep Sepahtu.. Apa cara nak tunjukkan anda begitu mengagungkan Jep? Anda pi canang kat semua org yg anda jumpa betapa lawaknya Jep and ajak org lain utk sama2 jd fan macam anda..
Premis 2b – Syafaqah : Apakah cara anda sebagai hamba Allah berlemah-lembut pada hamba Allah yang lain? Pastinya, dgn meng-offer benda paling best kat hamba Allah yg lain – syurga.. ie kena suruh org lain buat baik (dakwah), barulah dia dpt masuk syurga..
Eg anda fan Jep Sepahtu and dia akan bg t-shirt exclusive free akan diberi kepada mana2 fan yang berkelakuan baik. Atas rasa kasih sayang anda sbg seorng fan kpd fan yg lain, tentu anda akan suruh fan lain berkelakuan baik utk dpt hadiah tu…
Kesimpulan :  untuk laksanakan tugas ubudiyyah yg merangkumi ke-dua2 aspek ta’zhim dan syafaqah; nak tak nak, hang kena juga buat kerja khilafah..

Ada point ke-tiga, tp sudah agak lewat utk sy menulis… akan sy sambung jika allah beri kelapangan.. tp andai allah menyusun yg lebih baik, dapatkan buku ‘Qawaid Dakwah’ di pasaran sekarang untuk mengetahui point ketiga… ohoi! Akhir kalam, semoga allah menguatkan kita untuk menjadi ‘abid dan khilafah! Aminn.. Renung2kan kembali apa matlamat hidup kita sebenaqnya.. Are we in the right position n having the right attitude to get our job done?

HO (versi umum)


Saya seharusnya bercakap sekarang, tp instead jadi menulis saja.. saya ada kawan2 n juniors yg Tanya pengalaman bekerja di Sarawak, n saya hutang sbb x sempat nak reply lg.. there r too many patients to VE n babies to deliver (??).

Siapa saya?
Saya HO, di 0&G (sakit puan dan perbidanan) di sebuah hospital di Sarawak. Saya first poster. Masuk kerja bulan Disember 2013. Saya asal Rawang. Saya telah di-extend selama  3 bulan kerana prestasi yg x memuaskan. Tambahan pula, HOD kami tegas orangnya, dan ingin kami betul2 terel. Sekarang sy tgh fening mcm mana mahu keluar dept ni sebab specialist kata, kalau mahu keluar, kena buat 3 caeser. Gila…

Sarawak sebuah negeri yg best dgn komposisi demografi yg agak berbeza dr semananjung. Ada ramai org Iban. Di Bandar tmpt sy tinggal, ramai org Cina juga. It makes u feel Malaysian. They are ALL nice people if you are nice to them. You can try new food, n Miri best specialities (from what I sempat makan kat pantry dgn nurses) include ikan masin, cencaluk, ikan fusuk, ikan tahai etc. Utk memeriahkan rasa patriotic saya, sy telah membeli n membaca 2 buah buku – “Many colors, one race” (by anas zubedy) & “Unmistakably Chinese, Genuiney Malaysian” (by Rita Sim)

Despite being extended for 3 months, saya perlu mengaku bahawa sy x menyesal dtg Sarawak. Training bagus alhmdlh. Apa x bagusnya, siap suruh buat caeser 3 kali, baru boleh keluar department. Lama-lama, alhmdlh rasa very comfortable bekerja dkt dewan bersalin dan kawasan yg sewaktu dengannya. Saya memang loser bab motor skills nih, I’m clumsy, lemah bab2 kemahiran hands-on. Awal-awal dulu, ambil darah pun canggung, VE (vaginal examination) pun masih malu2 dgn patient, x berani mahu korek2 cari pangkal Rahim. Kini, tidak lagi. Bahkan, kadang2 anda jadi lebih eksaited utk belajar benda baru. Tambahan pula, Sarawak akn hantar HO yg dilatih d hospital2 besar, ke hospital2 di pedalaman nun waktu hang jadi MO nanti, so they would train you so you can survive alone out there. They have their own protocols (Sarawak emergency etc), sesuai dgn keperluan khusus negeri ini.

Doktor Muslim
So far, paling2 pun, saya x dapat lah leave impact apa sgt kat patient. X ada pulak patient yg mintak mahu usrah dgn saya.. haha.. Paling2 pun, tlg mereka jaga aurat di O&G tu, abide by their request utk female doctors, dan ingtkn mereka utk berdoa. tp always remain peramah dgn patient.. clerk tp buat ala2 bersembang.. eg amek family history, tp tanya mcm concern psl parents depa.. “mak ayah macam mana puan? Sihat? Gembira?” happy sgt bila ada pt yg dr pedalaman ke atau marginalized ke, yg dtg for her first ever hospital visit in her life, Tp bila kita Tanya “takut x nk dtg hospital lg?“  - “sik (tak) takut sbb doktor2 baik”.. hehe.. handle ur patients with care, walaupun deme uneducated etc, explain dlm layman term apa kita tgh buat kat diorng.. it’s their body, n they have right to know what we are doing to the jasad..  juga, jaga hubungan dgn nurses. Nurses best gila, kalau kita rapat dgn deme, they would help us, would ajak kita join makan kat pantry, boleh sembang, gelak2, geletek2 together. Even the PPKs, the cleaners. Always greet ppl. Layan semua staff x kisah pangkat, sbb they all matter.. tahukah anda, cleaner pun ada kena oncall kat labor room, n bila pt selesai beranak, deme kena cepat2 bersihkan sbb nnt ada org lain nk guna bed nak beranak.. pernah ada satu emergency cesar kami delay sbb tak tau mana pi cleaner, mogok mungkin.. haha.. dan, manfaatkan masa utk buat Tarbiyah Dzatiyah. X yah rasa guilty tinggalkan kerja n p answer your BIGGEST BOSS’ call, selak quran dlm ward, baca mathurat otw pi kerja.

Org kata HO x dak life. Sy rasa it all depends on how u define life. Kata banna dalam risalahnya ‘ke mana kita menyeru manusia’, ada 4 matlamat hidup HO (manusia) :
 (1) hedonistic (47:12) – eg time post call or weekend off, pi tgk movie, enjoy tmpt makan baru, karaoke, buat hobi pelik spt belajar tarian salsa utk suka2
(2) berhias n berbangga (3:14) : “yeay gaji masuk! OMG, I work very hard on call, kena maki dgn MO for this gaji, n I deserve it.. I can go belanja to buy new bags, shoes, pi facial yadayadayada”
(3) buat kacau (2:204-205) : “jom sabo(taj) MO ni.. biar dia kena marah kawkaw dgn specialist
(4) mukmin (22:77-78) : “alhamdulillah, weekend off.. ana nak ziarah lah adik usrah ana kat $%$@” “haa.. saya dah solat.. sudahkah awak solat? Kalau belum, mari saya setel-kan patient awk, n awak p solat”

So, mana satu adlh anda dan saya?
Jika anda adalah nombor 4, boleh proceed baca post seterusnya.. (klik sini)

Jun 12, 2013

Global March to Jerusalem 2013 (GMJ) at Moscow


Disclaimer :

  • my support toward pro-palestine cause is not affiliated toward any societies or bodies that I'm involved. It is purely personal and individual.
  • this post is NOT to encourage the readers to commit any risky decisions that may jeopardize the readers' safety, future and whatnots. At your own risk.
  • the aim of this post is to provide non-russian-speaking muscovites who are into this palestinian struggle with GMJ information 

Few weeks before :

This year, many friends back in Malaysia and in the other parts of the world were talking and promoting this GMJ event. They assured me that this was supposed to be world-wide event, so check your country. Did few googlings, but found only previous GMJs info with one of it - a youtube video of GMJ12 event in front of the Israeli embassy in Moscow. Not much on GMJ13. And, I remembered that a friend of mine had accidentally saw a Palestinian protest when she was walking out of this one metro station. She uploaded few pictures at Facebook. I PM-ed her to confirm which station - Ulitsa 1905. And, I made promise to myself - I would just wait at the station on that GMJ day (with my books because the state exam would be on June 10th and 11th) just in case there would be such event in here - Moscow.

Few days before : 

On the early week of GMJ's event, I did few more googlings and tadaa! The official GMJ page announced that there would be 2 events in Russia :
on 7th afternoon : a gathering in front of Israeli embassy in moscow
on 8th : cultural events, place and time not mentioned

Night of June 6th :

I've found an entry that they change the place and timing. It would be on Saturday, June 8th at Ulitsa 1905 metro. And, the best part is it is approved by the municipality/goverment so I won't be risking anything.


this is how 'Jerusalem' is written in Russian cyrillic

one of the banners

the man in white was the maestro of the chants

palestine - people of russia are with you!

one of the very few women at the protest

my folded flier

another flier

Feedback :

  1. Out of place. My mastery of Russian language is not convincing enough and being an introvert, to come up and initiate conversation with strangers in another foreign language was a huge task. I tried asking a woman when the event would start, but being Russian-ized, she offered me russian hospitality - stoic face, no smile, short answer and simply walk away from me (I wished she invited me along to walk together to join the crowds). Those people there seems to know each other that I almost believed it was a closed event, only for those who are invited. A man asked my help to take his picture. Towards the end, alhamdulillah, a pregnant camerawoman hijabi approached me and asking for my contacts info. Upon leaving, one of the flyer boy thanked me in English. (I understand simple 'spasiba' anyway.. hehe..) For most of the time, I felt like I was invisible, hiding behind my camera to take pictures. 
  2. The size of the crowd. Hopefully, more Russians are aware about palestinian issue and events. From my observation, there are around 25-30 persons who were holding flags and banners. And there was people at the periphery who mostly was the media people or the committee itself. The surrounding Russians who approached the square were few. The flyer boys should have been more proactive in giving away the fliers to those Russians. Despite the small number of participants, there were muslim women in hijab, the non-hijabis, christian, typical russian-looking granddads, arabic-speaking arabs/non-arabs, the slit-eyed asians and many more. 
  3.  The content of the event. There were speeches by many people with the cameraman recording them. No amplifier, and thus the speech could only be heard within few metres radius. Few non-synchronous chanting and yells. Pre-event rehearsals or training of the yell would be nice, since most of the wordings are in Arabic. I am praying hard that one day, GMJ Moscow could have their flash mob, and better, at the Arbat or the Red Square. This Palestinian issue could be sensitive, but if is tackled rightly and presented to the public in a fun way, we can get this humanitarian message through.  

Upon leaving the square, I noticed a Russian man of his mid-20s in maroon tight trouser and yellow polo shirt approaching the square. His face was lit with youth idealism and he keenly asked what we had just now. The flyer boy who just thanked me in English explained to him that it was of Palestine and it just finished. On my way back home in the metro, I noticed the same Russian man - this time his face was wearing the usual Russian grim expression. 2 different expression from one same person. It was heart-warming to witness that even the grim Russians have the spark of goodness and idealism in their hearts to make the world a better place. 

And despite my critics, I must say that the experience is priceless since it was my first time attending protest. I feel very uplifted to exercise my right of speech freedom. 

Allahu'alam. Allah knows best.